

Un año más cerramos nuestros cursos de Idiomas, con la confianza que todos nuestros estudiantes hayan alcanzado los objectivos que nos habíamos marcado.

Quiero pues, agradecer desde aquí, en primer lugar, todo el trabajo llevado a cabo por los directores de grupo y los monitores responsables de cada uno de ellos. Asimismo, agradezo a los padres la confianza que habéis tenido con Idiomas Padre Manyanet.

Con el deseo de que todos terminemos de pasar un feliz verano en familia,
que San Jose Manyanet bendiga cada uno de vuestros hogares y hasta siempre.
P. Antonio Sorribes S. F.
Director de Idiomas Padre Manyanet


Our English course comes to an end.

Nuestro curso llega a su final, es el momento de despedirnos. Como responsables, valoramos muy positivamente el trabajo de los cursillistas y la convivencia creada entre todos y con las distintas familias nativas.

Esperamos que nuestro blog haya servido para mostraros el dia a dia de las actividades.

Deseamos disfruteis de un feliz verano en familia.

Recibid un cordial saludo,


Roman Lozano Lopez

Jose Antonio Martinez-Atienza de Dios

Yesterday, we went to the cinema and we watched the last film of Harry Potter.


We went to skating and bowling another time

Visit to Strattford-upon-Avon

It's a small village in the middle of a forest. It has a cute train station that has trains in twenty minutes. The houses are like in the 18 century and the main road has trees in both sides. This village is known also because Shakespeare was born here. If you came here, you can visit the Shakespeare Birth's place, the garden of the house and a lot of jewelleries. There're a lot of restaurants and a kebab shop that is in the main street. It has own fooel and it's one of the most visited villages in the UK. Come on and visit it. It has a lot of gardens and the river Avon cross the village.
Regards from Solihull
Carlos Fernandez


We show you some of our nice colourful writings

On Wednesday we went to Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare's birthplace.

Yesterday, we went to Stratford-upon-Avon by train from Moor Street in Birmingham. The famous writer and poet William Shakespeare was born here on 26th April in 1564. We visited Shakespeare's birthplace, his gardens and his house.

We also went for a walk in the town. Stratford is a very nice place where there are a lot of typical old houses and all its streets show much charm. In this town, you can go to the three theatres of Shakespeare to see one of the many works of theatre of this famous writer. It was fantastic!

We came back to Hall Green at six o'clock and afterwards, the students went back to their families to improve their English.

Regards from Solihull

Roman Lozano


Otro dia mas en clase

A continuacion os mostramos algunas fotos antes de empezar las clases matutinas y algunas mientras nuestros chicos y chicas estan haciendo clase. No debemos olvidar que tan importante es la convivencia en el aula como fuera de ella.

Yesterday we went to the ice rink



Yesterday we did sports

Trip to London

Last Saturday I was very excited because of our trip to London. We got on the bus at eight o'clock in the morning, so I had to get up very early. We were on the bus for two hours and then he arrived in London and we did a very little tour around London, stopping at the most important places, such as Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, the Tower of London and the London Bridge.
After that, we had free time for going wherever we wanted to go, so my friends and I went to the British Museum with Roman. We all had visited the museum, so we prefered to go to Oxford Street and go shopping, because we had to buy presents for our families in Spain.
We had a great time in London. I think it's a very pretty city with a lot of different and interesting things. At six o'clock we got on the bus and we went back to Solihull where we arrived at half past eight in the evening. Above all it was a lovely day because it didn't rain which is strange in England.
Regards from Solihull
Carmen Ferre