

On my left, I had Buckingham Palace, the guards of the Queen were in front of a big door of the Palace of the Queen, and this last one was in her bedroom...Well, I didn't know where she was, but she wasn't in the terrace as in a lot of films.
Ten minutes later we went to "Abercrombie&Fitch". A lot of people told me that it's the biggest shop in the world. A long queue separated me from the shop, but when I entered...It was so cool! I had never seen a shop like that! It wasn't a normal shop, it was like a disco! But a long queue to pay for my new T-shirt...another time, maybe.
Marc  Bosch


elisabeth tremosa said...

I can't believe it! What a level of english!!

Marc Bosch Tremosa said...

the only comment, of my mum..xD

Marc Bosch Tremosa said...

the only comment, of my mum..xD